Friday, January 24, 2020

Biotech foods :: essays research papers

In Michael Pollan’s essay, â€Å"Playing God in the Garden†, we are introduced to the New Leaf Superior, a genetically engineered potato. This is not the first of its kind, for it is only one of the many foods that are products of an emergent development here in the United States. Monsanto and other giant transnational companies are carrying out a dangerous global experiment by introducing large numbers of genetically engineered foods into our diet. Genetic manipulations can result in unanticipated harmful effects, and because genetically engineered foods are not sufficiently tested, this experiment not only jeopardizes the health of individuals, but also affects the natural flow of nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pollan writes, â€Å"genetic engineering overthrows the old rules governing the relationship of nature and culture in plants.† He argues in his essay that the â€Å"old rules†, or natural (organic) ways of farming are no longer being valued, but rather overthrown and replaced by this new technology. We get the impression that Pollan does not trust this genetically engineered food because it is completely unnatural.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are numerous benefits to genetic cultivation as well as many farmers who agree with and practice this way of life. Biotechnology food produces its own insecticide, and its final product is better looking than that of organically grown food. Due to genetically modified food’s unique and unknown nature, however, there is potential for adverse health side effects. On page 467, Pollan writes: â€Å"When I called the E.P.A. and asked if the agency had tested my Bt potatoes for safety as a human food, the answer was . . . not exactly. It seems the E.P.A. works from the assumption that if the original potato is safe and the Bt protein added to it is safe, then the whole New Leaf package is safe . . . the original potato is safe, so that left the Bt toxin, which was fed to mice, and they ‘did fine, had no side affects’†. Pollan here implies that it is unknown whether or not these foods are safe. The fact that these products were tested on mice does not mean that they are safe for people. Maybe genetically engineered food does not harm people in any way, but no one knows for sure. It is impossible to predict the impact of genetically engineered food; it is a matter of waiting for and observing future consequences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Genetically modified food farmers, such as Dan Forsythe and Steve Young, all agree that this new gene technology will supply plentiful amounts of food, but they themselves would not eat these foods.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Before I continue I would like to reassert that this house believes that a two-party system is preferable to a multi party system. Partisanship is a problem that has plagued America for centuries. In recent decades the issue has become even more severe with the American people witnessing the first government shutdown in the nation's history in 1981. A government shutdown is the result of the failure of congress to pass a budget for the new fiscal year and results in the halt of most federal services. The shutdown in 1981 occurred because the president of the time Ronald Reagan vetoed a budget that had been passed by the Democratic majority in congress. In 2013 the government fully shut down for over two weeks; the result of the partisan debate over Obama care. In recent years the problem of a government shutdown has become increasingly prevalent as the sectarianism within the essential political institutions such as the United States congress become even more extreme. This year the government has already shut down twice. A clear sign of the danger that the irrational level of partisanship within the United States' government poses to its citizens. Beyond government shutdowns partisanship drastically affects many other aspects of government. Recently the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has showcased the intensity of the sectarianism in the United States today. The hearing, which should have served to validate or invalidate the claims made against Kavanaugh, was instead used by members of both the Democratic and Republican Parties to point fingers at one another in mock outrage. This is only one example of how sectarianism has frequently prevented the United States' lawmakers from properly doing their job, causing laws that benefit many Americans to fail. Laws such as the DISCLOSE Act, which would have forced companies to disclose their political spending, would have helped to ensure transparency in government-private business relations, is only example of a law that was killed by sectarianism. There are countless other examples of laws stopped by nothing but partisan hatred such as the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have ensured equal pay for men and women doing the same jobs. In other words, for no reason then hatred of the basic ideology of another party dozens of men and women in the United States congress have chosen to vote against bills that would serve to make America an even greater country. All that has been accomplished in this country's recent years: rapid economic recovery and growth from the 2008 crash, government subsidized health insurance, and the legalization of gay marriage, has happened despite, not because of the partisanship within our government. Furthermore the sectarianism outside of the United State's government negatively impacts the people of the United States. Far too often people are unable to agree with or even recognize perfectly reasonable claims or ideas simply because they are presented by a person who does not share the same political affiliation as them. This leads to discordance and dissatisfaction among the American public, as well as most populations around the world, as people who do not share opinions constantly fight and bicker failing to see things that are legitimately important. Additionally partisanship leads to extremism such as that propagated by groups such as ISIS or the KKK, due to people forcing the opinions of their party on those who do not share those opinions or violently attacking those who refuse to change their minds. It is clear that with only two parties in America the sectarianism in the country is already stretching the country to the breaking point. With only two parties America's governmental institutions struggle to pass the bare minimum of laws to keep the government running. Ultimately, the addition of new parties to a two party would only add to the strain felt be the American government and others like. More parties would mean more sides, each with their own separate agenda, attempting to force laws through a legislative branch filled with people that oppose them. As no one party would have the majority in a true multi-party system it would be next to impossible for any law to gather enough support to pass through congress let alone the desk of a president who, in all likelihood would be of a different party affiliation than the people trying to pass the laws. The sectarianism seen among the public of America and other countries today would increase as well, the result of even more separate political affiliations, causing further social unrest. The famous saying, â€Å"united we stand divided we fall,† is true. A multi-party system will divide a country's citizens, causing discordance and the eventual failure of its government, while two or fewer parties will unite the country, allowing it to continue unimpeded and grow stronger. From the arguments that the members of my team and I have made, it is clear that a two party system is far preferable to a multi-party system. We affirm the resolution and strongly encourage an affirmative ballot.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Media Portrayal Free Essay Example, 1750 words

Here let me introduce a data folio folder with the newspaper and magazine articles, television programs and movies related to the individuals with disabilities issue. Newspaper articles Miami Herald. State considers upping share parents pay for kids early autism. The article touches upon the budget issue. The parents of children with autism and other developmental disabilities become anxious of the state proposal that would make them pay more for early intervention services. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Portrayal or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now New Jerseys budget for the program has tightened, however, as the number of children referred to the program doubled over six years to 13,788 in fiscal 2005-2006. Surely parents should participate and they will, but it is very important not to up share parents pay to a rational mark in order not to bankrupt them. Available at http: //www. miami. com/mld/miamiherald/15767534.htm The Los Angeles Times. UPS Ban on Deaf Drivers Is Rejected. The main issue of the article is that an appeals court ruling could lead employers to consider disabled workers for more jobs. The ruling could prompt employers to review their hiring policies and job requirements to make sure none of them exclude broad groups of people without a justifiable reason. Companies that fail to take such steps could find themselves vulnerable to similar suits from disabled employees. Available at http: //www. latimes. com/business/la-fi-deaf11oct11,1,6139623.story? ctrack=1&cset=true USA Today. Incoming leader gives WSF new legs. The article tells about the strong women Aimee Mullins who is disabled. Her disability would be an afterthought if overcoming it werent such a big part of Mullins life. Born without a fibula in either leg, Mullins has never known life with her own legs. On her first birthday, both of her legs were amputated below the knee. In this wonderful example of her life, Mullins, 30, is an athlete, model, actress, motivational speaker and president-elect of the Womens Sports Foundation. Available at http: //www. usatoday. com/sports/columnist/brennan/2006-10-12-brennan-mullins_x. htm San Francisco Chronicle. Classes resume at university for the deaf, protests continue. Classes resumed Monday at Gallaudet University, the nations premiere school for the deaf, as faculty members voted overwhelmingly in support of students calling for the resignation of incoming president Jane K.